Guidelines of PRWA


  • Please submit properly filled membership form and be active member of RWA.
  • Please make your surrounding clean and plant trees near your house and take care of plants to make POCKET-9,  “CLEAN AND GREEN”. Please participate actively in plantation drive in rainy season.
  • Please do not throw garbage in vacant plots/flats and roads also do not throw water on road.
  • Please do not encroach the road in front of your house.
  • Do not waste water while washing the cars/watering plants etc.
  • Owners of the house under construction/renovation are requested to dump building material at appropriate places and not to cause obstruction/inconvenience to other residents. They malba must be removed and not left or dumped in any vacant area/plot.
  • Please provide temporary sanitation arrangements for laborers engaged in construction of house to avoid them defecating, urinating and bathing in open spaces.
  • Please do not damage common property like roads, pavements, street-light poles and fittings, signages etc.
  • Please do not stick bills and posters on signages, boards, walls etc.
  • Please participate actively in all events being organized by RWA and celebrate festivals together.
  • Vehicle being parked on roads should be parked properly without obstruction to traffic/common passage.
  • Please engage garbage collection person and every resident must engage services of garbage disposing personnel. Please do not throw your garbage in empty/vacant plots or green areas. Apart from it being an eye-sore and unhygienic, garbage thrown all over is the bane of pig menace.
  • If you see any unlawful activity in pocket-9 like drinking in park etc. immediately call police rider and protest same collectively.
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